Thursday, November 14, 2013

Diabolik Lovers OC

Delilah Von Lovelie


[Biographical Information]

Kanji :
Romanji : Derira Fon Ruburi
Also Known As:  Vampire Queen, Brat, SexDoll
Sign: Scorpio
Birthday: October 29
Age: Unknown, apparent to be 17-18
Status: Alive


[Physical and Vital Statistics]

Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Height: 167.64cm (5 ft 6 in )
Weight: 49.89kg (110 pounds)
Blood Type: AB-
Eye Color: Crystal Blue
Hair Color: Black


[Professional Status]

Occupation: Successor of the Von Malkovich family / Second Year High School Student


[Personal Status]

Relatives : 

Antonya Von Lovelie [ Ancestress - Deceased ]

Aleksandr and Antonya

Aleksandr Von Malkovich 


Daria Von Malkovich [ Mother - Deceased ]


Vladimir Von Malkovich [Father/Uncle - Deceased]

Nastasia Von Malkovich [Older Sister - Deceased]

Aleksandr Von Malkovich II [Uncle - Unknown]




Delilah has Bright blue eyes and long Black hair, being of that way because it was never cut. She has soft features and almost a perfect complexion. She is fairly tall compared to many of the females, and has a shapely body form, being hour glass. Her bust is of a large size, while her waist is to 10 inches smaller and her hips are of the same measurement of her bust.

Her legs are long, and lips are pale but usually tinted pink. She has a youthful smile to her, and is usually dressing herself as a doll. 


Delilah is a young woman, acting as a old time lady. She is proper and is usually confused. She is not from such an era. She is extremely intelligent and proper, but does not dress as such from time to time.

She is a vessel of sin, she is lustful and vain. She is wealthy of her own since she had certain secrets that her family wasn't aware of. Apart from that, she is a flirt and will seduce any man to get what she desires and who she desires. She is not easy to fall into submission, but she is more talk than from time to time.

She is also brutally honest. Her opinion is the one that matters often rejecting the thought of the rest of the people and not consider their feelings about it.

When the time comes to feed, she is unstoppable and will grab any  victim, sucking their blood dry at first try, breaking their necks after. Antonya had many male suitors for such and killed every single one of them. She is a sadist, and demanding. She laughs after every kill, being shown that she is psychotic.


Antonya Von Lovelie was the first and only vampire in Russia, over 2000 years ago. She was a beautiful woman and was considered the Vampire Queen. She was also immortal and very violent. She was a wealthy woman and had her 3 children. She was not related in any way to Tougo Sakamaki.

In Russia, Antonya was a beautiful and flawless Actress, who was booked everywhere and was also a model, she was extremely vain. She married Aleksandr Von Malkovich I, a wealthy business who was incredibly greedy. He corrupted many people just to get his wealth. None the less he was human. He loved his dear wife, and his three children.  The years passed and the townspeople began noticing something about Russias most beautiful woman. She was not aging, her husband grew old, her children grew into adults and she was still the same.

Rumors began to spread, of Antonya being a witch.

One night, an angry mob surrounded the beautiful home, and while the couple said there goodbyes, the children were taken away and hidden from the angry people. Antonya was forced out, and was tied up to a stake and burned, while her husband had to watch. Right after her husband was stabbed to death. Ending the life of the Von Malkovich.

A few years passed and the Von Malkovich had made their way to Japan, where they began their new life. As they life went on so did the life of the Von Malkovich, generation by generation they continued their life. Some of them being able to live, some of them being killed.

The last two generations consisted of three siblings, Daria and Vladimir Von Malkovich, who were happily married and Aleksandr Von Malkovich II. Now Daria and Vladimir had 2 Children of their own, Natasia and Delilah. Who were complete opposites. 

One night, the image of Antonya presented herself to Aleksandr II in a dream. Giving him an order, that the one who carried her scent, her blood, to put her to sleep with a potion that she had prepared and kept hidden for centuries in a chest. Of course they all carried her blood, but there was only one that carried the same rare blood type, Delilah. With a pain in his heart he planned on doing so, he found the poison, poison that contained her blood, that placed it in a small apple. He found which of his nieces had the blood, the sweet aroma.


The Slumber Of Delilah
He offered the apple to Delilah, and with such innocence she took it, and gave it one bite. Before she knew it, Delilah was coughing blood and gasped for her breath before finally closing her eyes and falling onto Aleksandr. He picked her up and took her to the cellar. There he kept her in a glass coffin, he knew what was coming and he simply admired her as she grew. Her family went dying little by little, Killed until refugee was found in the Sakamakis palace. Taking the coffin to the cellar and leaving her there.


Aleksandr II Admiring Delilah
Soon after, Tougo watched over the coffin, wondering what was it that was happening, and one the boy ad the appeal of a teenager almost adult. Her eyes finally opened, and glanced around, waking up as Antonya. Once the introductions were done, Tougo offered to watch over the Re incarnated Vampire Queen and sent her to live with her sons, considering that she was of their age.


Mind Control


♥ Delilah is actually Antonya re incarnated.
♥ She is known to adore sweets.
♥ Her skin is extremely sensitive so she is always seen with a small umbrella during the day time.

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